Dr. Felix Jan Nitsch


Hic rhodos, hic salta!


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About Me

I am a Postdoctoral Researcher in Marketing at INSEAD. I am on the 2024 job market for faculty positions in Marketing.

I study the principles of consumer and managerial decision-making, and its two-way relationship with mental wellbeing. The current empirical context of my research are social media platforms and luxury goods, two areas where consumers accept high costs to signal (and self-signal) their social status. I want to understand how rational and informed consumer decision-making is in this context, to evaluate the need for policy intervention. My research uses insights and methodologies from mathematical psychology, behavioral economics, and decision neuroscience. I work closely together with Hilke Plassmann and Klaus Wertenbroch.

I also ad honorem lead EDUCAT, an international non-profit association of ca. 30 volunteers from Syria to Kenya. In a nutshell, we consult educational projects in the Global South on impact measurement and fundraising.

If you have some questions regarding my research or just would like to chat please do no hesitate to reach out: felixjan.nitsch(at)insead.edu